Honeywell Home Security Solutions DIY and Pro Home Security

Premier Lock and Security Systems - 39th St

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Premier Lock and Security Systems is a professional locksmith serving New York County located in New York City, New York. Premier Lock and Security Systems specializes in security systems, locksmith and other security services.

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Premier Lock and Security Systems - 39th St is a service provider. Premier Lock and Security Systems - 39th St offers security services using Honeywell products.

Areas of Expertise:

Security System:

A security system is a combination of devices and services which work to protect a residence or business against the threat of invasion or intrusion. Security systems sometimes serve as protection from natural disasters as well. Residential, commercial, and industrial customers alike use security systems to safeguard against theft (burglary) and property damage. Security systems are available in a range of formats, levels, and pricing packages. They may involve professional installation or DIY installation. Whether these systems are intended to protect against a single incident or high threat of invasion at all times, they may involve a number of components, such as video cameras, alarm systems, smart home automation, notifications, smart locks, smart sensors, and more.


A locksmith is a service professional who provides key and lock services. For homeowners and business owners, a locksmith can break a lock, replace locks, duplicate keys, unlock mailboxes, and make replacement keys. Locksmiths are trained professionals who can offer lock-related services without breaking or damaging locks or doors. Some locksmiths may be able to offer the same services for smart locks as well. While breaking into certain locks may mean replacing the lock, this route is still often less costly than alternative entry methods. Security system providers may offer locksmith-related services under plan warranties, which helps users avoid destroying equipment.


Serving Cities:

  • New York

Brands Used:



Premier Lock and Security Systems - 39th St

(212) 267-0100

37 W 39th St

New York City, New York, 10018